Connect with New Hope

The ministries at New Hope Baptist Church strengthen the church family and reach out to our community according to the gifts that God has given each of us. Whatever your talents or interests may be, there’s a ministry at New Hope Baptist that needs you.

Children’s Ministry

At New Hope, children are loved and valued. They are a vital part of our faith community and we are so very thankful for the many wondrous things they teach us. Our children’s ministry offers opportunities for children and their families to become strong and effective disciples of Jesus. They learn to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves. We do this through learning scripture, fellowship, serving others and much more.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry at New Hope is an open community in which middle and high schoolers can build meaningful relationships, engage in thought provoking worship and Bible study, learn tools for personal spiritual formation, and cultivate a lifestyle of service and social awareness through missions.

Adult Discipleship

We never stop growing as we follow Jesus! Some of the opportunities for adult discipleship include Sunday morning Bible Study Groups, and Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study (6:00 PM).

Senior Adults Ministry (Keenagers)

The New Hope Keenagers appeal to those who are 55 years of age and older.The group is composed of New Hope members as well as others in the community who choose to join. The monthly meetings focus on a variety of activities including, but not limited to, speakers, musical presentations, comedians, dancers, game- day activities and birthday celebrations. A delicious meal complements each of our meetings. An important component of Keenagers is a sincere emphasis on missions.

Community Missions

Opportunities to show the love of God are plentiful and the impact of these opportunities on our community never ceases to amaze us. Some examples of these community mission opportunities have included homework help, kids summer meals, meals for first responders, sorting donations, park clean-up, preparing freezer meals, prayer walks, block parties, visiting assisted living and homebound members and many others.

Deacons Ministry

Deacons serve the congregation of New Hope Baptist Church in various ways, including by leading the following Ministry Committees and Teams which include at least two members of the Deacon Fellowship and along with other church members.

Wednesday Night Ministry

Our Wednesday Night Ministries are a way to connect with each other and with God.