We affirm the giftedness of every believer to minister in the name of Jesus Christ (GIVE). The church, like a physical body, functions best when every part of the body is actively functioning, faithfully sharing the gifts and talents the Spirit pours into the church. Ordained leaders in the church (pastors, associate pastors) have a particular role to play, but their role is to equip the church for ministry in the world.
We affirm the call to evangelism and missions (GO). Jesus told his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). God the Father sent Jesus to the world and for the whole world. Jesus then sent his disciples into the world with the Good News of salvation. We believe our call remains to take the Christian message near and far as God leads us. Further, we believe in the shared work of God’s mission with other churches, understanding that we can do more together than alone.