Current Worship Schedule


In-person worship in the Sanctuary and live-streaming at 10:30 AM on our Facebook page each Sunday.  Adult, Children & Youth classes begin at 9 AM.

Kids & Youth Connect

Breakfast will be served for Kids and Teens from 9:00 AM until 9:15 AM each Sunday morning in their respective classes. Kids Connect will be meeting in room A105 and Student Connect will meet in room C202. Childcare will meet in B100. We look forward to connecting with you!


6:00 PM Youth meet in the Youth Lounge and Adults in the Fellowship Hall. 


Next Steps

What is your next step? A first conversation about faith? Returning to faith after being away? Ready to follow Jesus as Lord? Baptism? Ready to join this local church? We all have a next step. What is yours?










Thanks for visiting the New Hope website.  We look forward to welcoming you on Sunday in worship, in Sunday morning groups, and in sharing in all that Jesus is doing in the life of the church.  Please contact us with any additional questions you have.  Grace and peace to you!


10:30 AM    Worship

Welcome to New Hope Baptist Church!

New Hope Baptist Church is a family seeking to follow the way of Jesus with and for each other and for our neighborhood, our community, our city, and our world.  We are focused around four purposes:
Glorify, Grow, Give, and Go.

Many of the ministries of our church are still going on and your tithes and offerings are critical during this time! Here are a few ways you can give during this time:


  1. Give online
  2. Download Abundant app
  3. Text “newhoperaleigh” to 73256
  4. Mail your check to New Hope Baptist Church, 4301 Louisburg Rd., Raleigh, NC 27604


If you are unable to get online and need assistance turning in your offering, please call Nicole, our Finance Director, at 919-622-9754 or email


Watch this quick video about how easy it is to give online. Click Here

Sign up to get all of the most up-to-date information from New Hope in your inbox!

If you have prayer needs, feel free to contact the church office at 919-876-5250. You can also contact Pastor Paul at


Sunday Mornings are streamed via Facebook Live. Click Here to watch live.